Thursday, 29 November 2007

My best qualities (???)

Jose, your top quality is Intelligence. Combined with your second- and third-ranked qualities, Compassion and Reliability, you have a very unique set of characteristics you can use to your advantage.

Only .35 percent of all people share these three top qualities. While these are your top three qualities, all 15 or your core qualities contribute to who you are and how you go through life. Find out more about how you can use this report to promote yourself better at work, in relationships, and in love.

To start, take a look at your comprehensive Best Qualities Profile.

Quality #1: Intelligence

Quality Description
People scoring high in intelligence are more likely to be unique. Higher intelligence offers greater possibilities in terms of how someone is likely to interpret the world. In addition, intelligent people are typically more able to articulate themselves well and to have high integrity.

Your Score
You received a score of 100 out of 100 on this dimension, indicating that compared with other people who took Tickle's test, you have relatively higher intelligence.

Relevant Question
The following question was one used to gauge your level of intelligence:

Are you ever the only person in the room who gets subtle jokes?

A. Yes, often
B. Yes, occasionally
C. Sometimes
D. No, never

People of higher intelligence are more likely to get subtle jokes.

The problem is I answered C or D, I can't remember. Then why am I so intelligent?

The rest of scores are not important. After this one, the test has lost all credibility.

Tuesday, 27 November 2007

Acenderon as luces de nadal na cidade das ilusións achadas

El domingo día 2 de diciembre salí a hacer fotos por ahí. Estaba resfriado y me encontraba mal. En casa había estado limpiando los suelos y todo me olía a lejía. Notaba el picor del desinfectante en mi garganta irritada. Eran sobre las ocho de la tarde. Me había pasado el día, desde que regresé de mis clases de natación, tirado en el sofá mientras esperaba a que secasen los trozos de suelo que ya había fregado; durmiendo, tomando té, poleo-menta, viendo la tele. Cada vez que me levantaba me encontraba mareado. Sentía que todo me daba vueltas. Y encima tenía el olor de la lejía dentro de mí, carcomiéndome los pulmones y haciéndome trizas la garganta dolorida, cual papel de lija insistente, en cada ir y venir del aire.

Un poco de movimiento me vino bien. Empecé a sentirme mejor a medida que subía a paso ligero por la Calle de Atocha. Ni siquiera el humo de los tubos de escape, que en esta calle se suele notar bastante, me molestó en esta ocasión. Las luces navideñas, que se extendían desde la plaza de Antón Martín hasta la de Jacinto Benavente, se encontraban apagadas. Recuerdo sentirme decepcionado al llegar a Sol. La decoración me pareció insuficiente y aburrida, y tan solo el montaje de El Corte Inglés, en la fachada que da a la Calle Preciados, era interesante. "Al menos", pensé, "no han puesto un árbol de esos de vidrio y metal aquí. Sin embargo, a este le vendría bastante bien un poco de colorido". Sol estaba, como es normal, atestado de gente, y hui a la Plaza Mayor siguiendo las calles menos concurridas. Entré por la calle de Zaragoza y me posicioné delante de la Junta de Distrito de Centro, en los soportales de la Casa de la Carnicería, desde donde disfrutaba de unas vistas increíbles del mercado de navidad, la estatua ecuestre de Felipe III y la fachada decorada de la Casa de la Panadería. Lástima que las fotos que saqué no le hagan justicia a lo que vi.

Las luces se encendieron el día 26 a eso de las seis de la tarde, de ahí que esta entrada esté fechada a día 27 de noviembre a pesar de haber sido sacadas todas las fotos el día 2 de diciembre. Ese primer día hubo una iluminación especial de algunos edificios de Madrid, y Tania asistió al evento y sacó fotos. En esta entrada debería estar alguna de esas fotos, y entrarán a formar parte de ella en el momento en que me las haga llegar.

Sobra cualquier otro comentario. Se puede intuir el recorrido de la visita echándole un vistazo a las fotos y leyendo los pies de fotografía.

Mercado navideño de la Plaza Mayor

Calle de Ciudad Rodrigo

Catedral de La Almudena desde la Calle del Factor

Palacio Real desde la Calle de Bailén

Palacio Real desde los Jardines de Sabatini

Calle de Bailén

Jardines de Sabatini

Gran Vía

Calle del Arenal

Puerta del Sol desde Calle del Arenal

Calle Mayor

Sunday, 25 November 2007

"Déjame ser feliz" ("Let me be happy")

To Chris:

Goodbyes always make me sad. They remind me of how quickly time passes. You came ten days ago, now you're gone and we haven't got round to doing all the things we had planned. We haven't seen the views from the Parque de las Tetas or from the Cuña Verde de Latina; been to the Museo Reina Sofía or the Museo Municipal; visited the panda bears at the zoo (although we once did get near the zoo); taken the "teleférico" to Casa de Campo or the medieval train to Sigüenza; been to the Salamanca quarter; walked much through the streets of the centre while we read a little about their history; been to the Filmoteca Nacional... we haven't cooked ratatouille either.

We have done things we hadn't planned, though. Like yesterday's seafood paella or Friday's dinner at Tania's, reading Tanenbaum's Computer Networks book, speaking French or listening to the sparrow. These were mostly things related to food and social life, which I'm sure you liked. Now you know more people in Madrid!!

Plaza de Pablo Ruíz Picasso (17/11/2007)

As I told you, what I liked the most about your stay here was your liveliness. It made every walk and visit across the city a very pleasant experience. My face brightened every time you praised the city so enthusiastically and I must say that the most emotional moment was when we were walking with Tarik down Calle Preciados one evening and you admitted, to my great surprise, that you liked Madrid much better than your much beloved Barcelona (or any other big city in Spain, for that matter) and had written so in your blog. The ghost 'Chamberí' station, the Matrix-like Chamartín station, the exhibition about the Vesuvius, the Caixaforum building... who cares... I just love sightseeing with you.

Cuatro Torres Business Area (17/11/2007)

Avenida del Padre Francisco Palau y Quer (17/11/2007)

These ten days together have left us some memorable sentences. The joke about the Chinese restaurants was very funny, and so were Tarik's "disastrous" views about everything, but my favourite sentence was the "Let me be happy" that you said complainingly this morning when I asked you to put down the libretto of 'La Traviata' and get ready to leave (to Estrecho). It goes without saying that you ignored my words and kept being "happy" :)

Over the Príncipe Pío-Aravaca railway track (18/11/2007)

Cable cars over the Parque de la Tinaja (18/11/2007)

Príncipe Pío station and Royal Palace (18/11/2007)

Calle de Aniceto Marinas and Puente de la Reina Victoria (18/11/2007)

So, yes, I let you be happy. If you're happy, I'm happy :) Just learn to control the rain from your eyes, in much the same way I should learn to share my space (just 20 square metres, mind) with others and not to throw dirty looks at them when they "destroy" it. I loved the frog, the book, the apron and the Romanian blue plate from Ikea you bought for me. They were a great surprise (just the way I like presents!).

Lago (18/11/2007)

The house feels empty without you. Do come back whenever you want!!