The door
The hallway (kind of)
The whatchamacallit (living room, sitting room, dining room, lounge, study...), taken at 9pm (it wasn't as dark as it appears though. I didn't use the flash; with flash the photo was way too bright for my liking.)
The kitchen door (centre). The bathroom is to the left and the bedroom to the right.
The bathroom
The kitchen
The bedroom
The built-in wardrobe
A look through the window
PS. On the morning of Monday the 14th (at eight):
PPS. I now live in Delicias, I was shocked to find out this weekend. Arganzuela (second district of the villa de Madrid) is divided into seven quarters: Imperial (21), Acacias (22), Chopera (23), Legazpi (24), Delicias (25), Palos de Moguer (26) and Atocha (27) [source here]. The number in brackets is the quarter number, which is usually shown on parking meters (or pay and display machines) and nowhere else. On a few occasions I have seen signs on lamp posts or buildings stating the district and quarter number, but that is very rare indeed.
If whoever sees these photographs thinks the flat looks a bit dull, for their ease of mind I'll add that I haven't finished decorating. Rather, I haven't started to decorate yet. My intention was just to tidy up before I took the pictures and it has already taken me quite a lot of time to do so, so I am happy with the result. If drastic change takes place in the next few weeks or months, you'll know.
Que te puedo decir Jose..las fotos lo dicen todo! Precioso tu piso! Congrats!!
Gracias, pero debes saber que lo que ves no es nada en comparación con lo que verías de cuerpo presente!! :)) Además, falta la decoración. Utilizaré a Chris y Mada, que llegan mañana, para que sostengan algunos pósters que tengo en casa y los vayan poniendo en distintos lugares, siguiendo mis órdenes, por supuesto, de modo que pueda ver desde una cierta distancia qué tal quedarían. Creo que ya dentro de unos días habrá pósters en las paredes, aunque no muchos. No es cuestión de exagerar tampoco, nos gusta lo minimalista... bueno, tan minimalista como nos permiten los minúsculos pisos de Madrid que podemos alquilar con nuestros míseros sueldos!
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